Monday, August 20, 2012

How-To: Help Your Kids with Their Homework

How-To: Help Your Kids with Their Homework

It has been decades since you tackled some of the topics your kids are bringing home from school—but that doesn’t mean you can’t help them with their homework.  And, some of it, I'm sure might as well be written in some obscure foreign language that you've never seen.  But, statistics so that students who do their homework consistently tend to have better grades. It's not always easy to get them to do their homework, especially after a busy day, but these tips can help:

Talk to your children about their homework. It's important that your kids understand why it's important to do their homework and the positive impact it has on grades. Homework helps them practice what they've learned as well as prepare them for upcoming classes. Plus, by doing their homework they develop the discipline and skills they need to be successful throughout their school years and beyond. 

Talk to the teachers. Different teachers might expect different things from parents, so be sure to talk to them to figure out what your role will be. For example, some teachers prefer parents review their kids' homework; others prefer parents make sure kids do their homework. Teachers can also tell you how much time your child should spend doing homework and what to do if the homework is too easy or too difficult.

Select a fixed time to do homework. The best time to do homework is the one that works best for your child and you. It can be before or after playing, watching television or dinnertime. What's important is that homework time is consistent. Avoid leaving it for the end of the day, when your child is tired and sleepy.  For my son, when he gets home from school he has a snack and then sits down at the dining room table, we go through his planner and set out his books and the tools he'll need to complete his homework and we turn off all distractions until he is finished his homework.
Pick a quiet area and eliminate distractions. To help your children focus on homework, pick a place in the house where there's plenty of light and no distractions. It doesn't have to be fancy. It can be the kitchen table or a desk. Make sure the TV is off and put away electronic devices, unless they're essential to doing homework.

Get them the resources they need. You don't have to be an expert in all subjects to help your kids with homework. However, you need to make sure they have the tools they need to succeed. If you need expert help, you can always take them to the library or help them with their search online. You can also visit to find information on homework topics. The Department of Education also has several resources to help your child with homework in different areas, including math, reading and writing.  My partner is a whiz at math and science and I'm not and Skip is often here when Liam gets home from school and I'm not so we plan our day I do the morning and Skip does the homework and after school.  This works for us, it might not work for you but figure out what works and stick with it. 

Resource: and

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