Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Some Tips for Earth Friendly Spring Cleaning

Some Tips for Earth Friendly Spring Cleaning

We only have one earth and we really do need to take care of it so that it will be here for future generations to come. One of the staples in my household cupboard is baking soda. I buy it when it's on sale and often get it for 3 boxes for $1. It goes a long way. There are a lot of great environmentally friendly products available for cleaning. Here are some inexpensive ideas.

Carpets - Before vacuuming, shake baking soda over the carpeting; it will help absorb odors. For spot cleaning, try that natural wonder, vinegar. Spray it on, scrub out the spot with a washrag and don't worry about the vinegar smell, it will soon dissipate.
Upholstery - Sprinkle stale cushions and chairs with baking soda, then vacuum after letting it sit for a while.
General Odors - Make your own scented sprays by mixing distilled water, isopropyl alcohol (ieep this away from heat and flames, as well as from children and pets) and several drops of your favorite essential oil in a spray bottle, then spray wherever needed. For especially stubborn smells, some people swear by zeolite, a natural mineral with tiny, tiny pores and an ability to soak in the worst of odors.
Garbage Cans - sprinkle the bottoms with the natural mineral borax to prevent mold and fungus, and to keep away insects.
Household Gateways for Bugs Spring is when ants and other critters start running amok; fine for the outdoors, maybe, but not in your house. To keep them from crawling in, mix equal parts sugar and borax in a shaker bottle, then sprinkle along likely household entry points (keep away from areas accessible to children and pets).
Laundry - to brighten your whites and keep your colors looking bright add a scoop of borax to your wash water.

If you are thinking of buying or selling an home in Maryland give me a call at 410-292-0100 or start your search here and we'll talk about the market conditions and what your home could possibly be worth in today's market place if you are thinking of selling.  If you are considering buying a home, there is no better time than now to buy. The tax savings and wealth building alone is worth the plunge into todays market. Century 21 New Millennium is part of the largest nationwide relocation company and can assist with your move here in Maryland or anywhere in the United States or abroad. Ask me how.

In keeping with saluting our heroes, during 2012 I am waving flat fees for active duty military, retired military and the families of fallen military, as well as policemen, firemen and emt's. If you enter into a contract by the New Year's eve I will waive the flat fee at settlement. This is a $395 savings. If you are thinking about buying or selling a home give me a call and receive full service real estate assistance from an experienced agent. Our office is open 7 days a week and we can be reached at 410-730-8888 or I can be reached directly at 410-292-0100.
June Piper-Brandon ~ Associate Broker, CDPE, CIAS, ePro

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